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How to easily quit smoking addiction?

How to easily quit smoking addiction? Today we discuss here, how you can easily prevent yourself from this bad addiction to smoking.

How to easily quit smoking addiction?
It is not easy for smokers to quit the smoking. Many people give up the fight even after the traditional war. Because sometimes there come a time when many people do not get relief until they smoke. And this is not a bad practice without sacrificing it. Here are some ways to write in this article.

Start walking
Whenever you want to smoke, you go out for walk. Walk for 5-10 minutes. Walking is a physical activity. And physical exertion greatly reduces the desire to smoke.

Move the attention to the other side
Try to divert attention away from the smoke if the desire to smoke is triggered in your mind. Do anything you like such as read books, draw pictures, listen to music or dance a bit etc. If you want to do some yoga exercises. It will divert attention as well as the desire to smoke.

Drink water
Whenever you want to smoke, you will drink 2 glasses of water in one breath. This will ruin your body's reaction to smoking. Your desire to smoke will also go away.

Eat something sweet
When the level of sugar in the blood is reduced, the desire to smoke is healed. So if you want to smoke, eat something rich in sugar. Smoking feel, it will die.

Talk with Friend
Whenever you want to smoke a little, and then call your friends or girlfriend don’t things other or talk to them face to face. Only talk 5 minutes. Talk about smoking with a friend and forget about smoking. And five minutes later, the smoker woke up and died.

Think of the reason you quit smoking
If you are very fond of smoking, think about why you want to quit smoking. Because of a lover or because of his parents or his own health. Whatever the reason, think of it as the mind will get stressed.

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