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Learn the 9 signs of the uterus cancer

Women in our country hide uterus cancer, and many can be treated long ago, but uterus cancer cannot be detected in advance because of this hiding. Find out nine signs of uterus cancer today that will help you understand that you are suffering from uterus cancer.

Breast cancer is the name of a trauma to girls. The prevalence of the disease is increasing day by day. However, uterus cancer is causing the terrible death of mute. Thousands of women are currently infected with this deadly disease. Most women do not want to get uterus cancer test due to lack of awareness and shame. When the disease is diagnosed, in most cases there is nothing to do. Many people think uterus cancer may occur after adulthood. But this is a misconception. Women can have uterine cancer at any age. However, women, especially those aged 50 years or older, are more prone to uterus cancer. Uterus cancer is called 'Silent Killer'. This is because many women do not understand the early symptoms of this disease or give special importance even when the symptoms occur. This is because many women do not understand the early symptoms of this disease or give special importance even when the symptoms occur.

In Europe, especially in northern and Eastern Europe, about 65,000 women have been diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2012, and cervical cancer is the most discussed of the six types of cancer in European countries. Because, every year, about 2,50,000 women suffer from ovarian cancer all over the world. Women with uterus cancer do not get treatment for this disease in the first place, and their survival rate is reduced by 50%. And those who get treatment early, the survival rate is 95%.
So stay tuned for some of the early symptoms of this illness. When the symptoms appear, go to the hospital and make sure you have a cancer screening.

9 symptoms of the uterus cancer
1. Sudden, loss of appetite.
2. Always have nausea or frequent nausea.
3. Excess pain in the abdomen or swelling in the abdomen.
4. Gas, indigestion, constipation. Feeling overwhelmed after a light meal, feeling uncomfortable in the stomach, etc. If a stomach problem is too high it can be a symptom of uterine cancer.
5. Feeling of pressure around the genitalia and frequent urination.
6. Increased weight gain or sudden weight loss.
7. Feeling pain during sexual intercourse even when accustomed.
8. Feeling extra tired.
9. Women still have bleeding after menopause.

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