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The reasons for which the wife is unsatisfied- All husbands should know

Women have a higher incidence of unhappiness in sex life than men. There are many women who are not happy with sex life even with the man they love. Though not exposed to the face, drawn to life with a pressing anger in the mind, many do not say their own satisfaction in sex life.

But why? Why do so many women remain unhappy and insatiable in their sex lives?

The reasons for which the wife is insatiable, all husbands should know

1. Misconceptions and ignorance
The main reason for women being unhappy in their sex life is lack of adequate sex education. Sexuality is not only a means of childbirth, it is a pleasure for both men and women - there are still many women who are ignorant about this matter. They do not know what to do or how to make sex more pleasurable, they remain unhappy and insatiable.

2. Don't understand yourself
What you really want, ignorance of what your body really is responding to, what parts of your body are responding to sex, or what your body needs is a major reason for being unhappy in sex life. For example, many women do not know what clitoris is or its effects on sex life.

3. Can't say what you want
You can understand yourself, you know your own needs, but you can not say that you do not like yourself. This is one of the major reasons for women to be insatiable in their sex lives. Even if she is not happy in the sex life, many women can not tell the face of the male partner.

4. Shame and hesitation
Many women feel that it is shameful for women not to talk about sex, or to talk about women's sexuality or to show sexual needs. So they suppress the desire of the mind.

5. Male partner's selfishness
Most men are not focused on satisfying their partner's sexual needs. Instead, they started behaving as selfish when their needs were met. This is also a major reason for women being insatiable.

6. Misconceptions about orgasm
Orgasm or ultimate happiness that is not just for men. There are a lot of women who do not know that orgasm can be achieved by women as well as men. Women are unhappy because of their ignorance about how orgasm is possible, when they meet in a position, orgasm comes easily.

If you are not able to orgasm with your wife through normal sex, there are many small sex toys available from the market now that you can easily orgasm while having sex with your wife. If the wife is not satisfied with sex, then she becomes sexually addicted. That is why you can buy sextet yourself and read it on a condom and make it easy. It can take from a maximum of twelve thousand rupees to two thousand rupees to buy them.

7. Concussion on physical-psychological problems
Not interested in sex or feeling any physical problems with sex? Most women do not go to the doctor in such a situation. As a result, their sex life remains scanty due to lack of treatment.

8. Fear surrounds sexuality
Many women have a variety of fears about sex. As a result, they can never have an easy attitude about the matter, and always remain firm on the matter.

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